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الموضوع: حول حاسوبك الى مصدر للواي فاي مع برنامج Connectify Hotspot Pro v7.3.3

  1. #1

    حول حاسوبك الى مصدر للواي فاي مع برنامج Connectify Hotspot Pro v7.3.3

    Connectify Hotspot Pro v7.3.3
    <b r>
    <br> Connectify Hotspot PRO is an easy to use software router for Windows computers that utilizes your PCs built in Wi-Fi card to wirelessly share any available Internet connection with friends, co-workers, and mobile devices. Connectify Hotspot PRO can act as your primary router or even a Wi-Fi extender for your home router. With just a few clicks youll instantly have Wi-Fi in that hard to reach basement or bedroom! Additionally, you can configure Hotspot PRO to work as a wireless to wired-ethernet bridge for connecting older devices and gaming systems to the Internet

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 07-04-2016 الساعة 02:08 AM

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