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الموضوع: الاصدار المجانى من برنامج نسخ الاسطوانات بكل سهولة BurnAware free 7.9

  1. #1

    الاصدار المجانى من برنامج نسخ الاسطوانات بكل سهولة BurnAware free 7.9

    BurnAware free 7.9
    <br> BurnAware is the ultimate disc burning software. BurnAware Home is the preferred edition for home desktop and mobile PCs. It includes additional burning tools which help you to copy your CDs and DVDs with digital photos, documents, games, movies and music easily. Also with BurnAware Home you can compile and burn bootable discs and disc images. BurnAware Express is ideal for users with basic disc burning needs as backup, creating data, audio, video discs and burning disc images. Easy to set up and maintain, it enables you to save your files to disc quickly and provides a more flexible interface to help you complete your burning tasks much faster.
    <br>SIZE: 7 MB

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 19-02-2015 الساعة 01:19 AM سبب آخر: مخالف

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