قائمة المستخدمين المشار إليهم

النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2

الموضوع: اريد مساعده في حل اسايمنت ماده data structures and algorithms ضروري

  1. #1

    اريد مساعده في حل اسايمنت ماده data structures and algorithms ضروري

    Task 2: Create a class in java for a N x N array (matrix) which includes methods to do the
    i. To check whether the immediate neighbors of central element are multiples of
    central element or not.
    ii. To store immediate neighbors, which are multiples of central element in new
    one dimensional array.
    Write and execute a java program to create an object of this class, accept a NxN array (matrix)
    from the user and demonstrate the working of above mentioned methods. (15+20 =35marks)
    Example: Consider the below 3X3 matrix
    12 24 36
    30 6 48
    42 48 65
    i. Central element is 6, its immediate neighbors are multiples of 6 except for 65.
    ii. Create a new one dimensional matrix size of 1X7 to store these neighbors (as 65 is not
    multiple of 6)
    12 24 36 30 48 42 48
    Task 3: Write and execute JAVA program to implement a method,which can be used to find
    common values present in two single linked lists and the display appropriate message.The
    program should have appropriate methods to create and display the single linked lists by
    taking values from user.

  2. #2
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