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الموضوع: اجعل جهازك تحفة فنيه مع اجمل الثيمات لسطح مكتبك Winstep Nexus 15.9

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  1. #1

    اجعل جهازك تحفة فنيه مع اجمل الثيمات لسطح مكتبك Winstep Nexus 15.9

    Winstep Nexus 15.9
    Nexus will help you with super fast access to your most frequently used applications, with flexible options allowing it to dock or float anywhere on the screen, providing a myriad of "on demand" possibilities. From its generous use of situational sensitive context menus to its advanced Drag & Drop support, Nexus is not only easy to use - its a joy! Nexus Ultimate is an enhanced version of the free-to-use Nexus dock which is available stand-alone or as a component of Winstep Xtreme (a single easy-to-install package featuring all of Winsteps popular desktop enhancement products for Windows).
    <br>SIZE: 30 MB

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 06-10-2015 الساعة 02:09 AM

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