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الموضوع: برنامج إسترجاع الملفات الرائع Comfy Partition Recovery 2.5 تXxxXXX

  1. #1

    برنامج إسترجاع الملفات الرائع Comfy Partition Recovery 2.5 تXxxXXX

    Comfy Partition Recovery 2.5

    Comfy Partition Recovery is intended for recovering data from hard
    drives, memory cards and USB drives after any events that caused their
    loss or deletion. The program does not require that a damaged disk be
    accessible via Windows Explorer. The tool recovers data lost after quick
    or full formatting, deletion of logical partitions on hard drives, flash
    drives and memory cards. The software will recover the structure of your
    disk after file system errors and corruption of the boot sector
    You can download a disk recovery program to recover your deleted files
    The program enables you to view the list of files that you can recover
    after registering the program.

    حذفت الروابط من المراقب
    تم إزالة الرابط لمخالفة قوانين قسم السبلة العمانية التقنية
    Link has been removed because of violating copyright laws.
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 02-04-2016 الساعة 03:35 AM

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