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الموضوع: xxxxxx لعبة الطائرات الحربية الرائعة STRIKERS 1945-3 v1.0.4 Android

  1. #1

    xxxxxx لعبة الطائرات الحربية الرائعة STRIKERS 1945-3 v1.0.4 Android

    STRIKERS 1945-3 v1.0.4

    <br>1999, join the last war to save the world.
    <br>The latest fighter aircraft from F-22 to F-117 stealth bombers awaits you.
    <br>Dont miss out on multiplay battle with players all over the world unlike in the arcade.
    <br>We invite you to the 20th centurys last arcade game.
    <br>-Simple controls that dont need a tutorial.
    <br>-Various difficulty levels for everyone to enjoy from beginners to advanced players
    <br>-Thrilling fun maximizing the arcade gaming feel!
    <br>-Supports multiplay battle against players from all over the world in a fierce battle with up to 4 players
    <br>-5 of the latest aircrafts and a special military aircraft for military fans.
    <br>-Supports 9 languages!
    <br>-Playable on low-end phones to high-end tablets
    <br>-Achievements and leaderboard feature!
    <br>Screen slide: Move aircraft.
    <br>Supershot button touch: Fire supershot using gauge collected on top of the screen.
    <br>Bomb button touch: Fire a bomb to block enemy fire for some time.

    حذفت الروابط من المراقب
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 30-03-2015 الساعة 12:19 AM سبب آخر: مخالف

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