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الموضوع: حل واجب B716a الماجستير MBA master AOU Business management (MBA) B 716 A MANAGEMENT: PERSPECTIVE AND PRACTICE

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    حل واجب B716a الماجستير MBA master AOU Business management (MBA) B 716 A MANAGEMENT: PERSPECTIVE AND PRACTICE

    نماذج اعمالنا السابقة 00966597837185 وتقييم الطلاب

    حل واجب B716a 00966597837185 لطلاب الماستر 2018/2019 MANAGEMENT: PERSPECTIVE AND PRACTICE بالكامل

    (MBA) B 716 A

    B 716 –A- – TMA 01- FALL 2018/2019 Semester I
    Question one (Up to 50% Marks): (1250 words +/- 10 %)
    A- Discuss the primary issue that Mills is facing and explain the related issues by explaining how management preference has influenced Mills’ choices. (Up to 25% Marks)

    B- Critically evaluate Mills’ strategy stating both strengths and weaknesses. (Up to 25% Marks)

    Note: Evidences of contextualization, connectivity, and understanding are very important, moreover, candidates should be aware that critical thinking is a big part of marking his/her answer.

    Question 2 (Up to 50 % Marks): (1250 words +/- 10 %)

    A- Explain whether Mills ought to pursue slower or faster growth and why.
    (Provide the implications of her choice). (Up to 25% Marks)

    B- If Mills were to select fast growth, where should she invest to achieve this growth and how much? Elaborate how she should finance this investment. (Up to 25% Marks)

    In December 2008, Erica Mills and her husband, Craig, were making plans. They had decided to start a family within the next twelve months and were making decisions about how to manage their careers as they were about to take this momentous step. Mills had started Warm Fuzz Cards, a Toronto-based greeting card company, just over two years ago in 2006. The business was growing slowly but profitably. Mills’ husband, Craig, was employed as a human resources executive at a large company. He was very supportive of Mills’ business. In fact, he believed that the business could grow much more quickly. Mills, on the other hand, liked her slow growth strategy. However, she was not sure that she could manage the business as it was currently structured and raise a family at the same time. They were going to have to decide what to do soon. They would need time to decide how fast to grow, develop a plan, raise money and possibly hire staff, all before they started their family.

    b716a حل واجبات 00966597837185 الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966597837185 ,, حلو ل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة ,, جروب الإمتياز المهندس أحمد حل واجب b716a حلول واجبات b716a حل الواجب b716a حلول الواجبات b716a TMA بدون تشابه حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966597837185 ,, حلو ل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة ,, جروب الإمتياز المهندس أحمد حل واجب b716a حلول واجبات b716a حل الواجب b716a حلول الواجبات b716a TMA بدون تشابه
    حل واجب b716a - 00966597837185 - b716a حلول واجبات b716a الجامعة b716a العربية b716a المفتوحة
    b716a 00966597837185 TMA حل واجبات b716a المهندس أحمد @ الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
    حل اسايمنت b716a 00966597837185 حلول اسايمنتات b716a مهندس احمد الجامعة العربية المفتوحة assignment tma b716a

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