قائمة المستخدمين المشار إليهم

النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4

الموضوع: دورة Applied problems of the activities of procurement, storage and ways to address

  1. #1

    دورة Applied problems of the activities of procurement, storage and ways to address

    " مركز الخليج الاستراتيجى للتدريب GULFSTD "
    #يــقـــــــدم_احــــدث_الـــــــدورات_الـــتــدري ــــبــيــة
    من اجل تطوير مهاراتكم فى العمل,
    مركزنا به أكبر مجموعة من الدورات التدريبية 2016 في مختلف المجالات والتخصصات لرفع كفاءة المتدرب..
    ونرحب بجميع الهيئات الحكومية والمؤسسات الخاصة والافراد ونتمنى ان تنال عروضنا اعجابكم.

    فى حال رغبتكم التسجيل في أحد البرامج التدريبية يسعدنا تواصلكم معنا :

    منسقة التدريب: أ/ هاجر مسعود
    رقم الهاتف (واتس اب & فايبر ): 00201270136638

    البريد الالكترونى:

    للتسجيل فى الدورات: اضغط هنا

    نقدم لكم اهم الدورات التدريبية فى سوق العمل

    دورات Purchasing and Stores & Logistics ) لعام 2016:

    Advanced measurement and management planning processing, purchasing and supply chain
    The preparation and awarding of tenders and implementation
    Transportation, shipping, insurance and customs procedures on exports
    Inventory and get rid of stagnant evaluation
    Characterization and tab and encoding material
    Excellence and innovation in the IT departments of procurement and warehouse management
    Procurement methods to solve problems (creative entrance)
    Stores and management measures of performance and inventory control
    Effective management of warehouses and stores
    Computerization of the warehouses and stores and purchases
    Excellence in the strategic management of the supply and procurement
    Strategic management and planning in logistics and logistics network
    Effective negotiation and preparation of contracts in the procurement and supply
    Processing and management of strategic supply and supply chain operations effective
    Excellence in procurement, bidding, selecting suppliers and negotiating the buying (R529)
    Best practices in supply chain and scheduling of suppliers and the claims procedure planning
    Procurement and contract management logistics
    Methods of evaluating purchases
    Drafting commercial contracts and provisions of the legally
    Excellence in warehouse management and safety of storage and technology to improve the inventory
    Modern techniques for planning, accounting and control of the stores and procurement
    Modern techniques and strategies for specialist supplies, procurement and contracts
    Effective negotiation and preparation of contracts in the procurement and supply
    Advanced techniques in procurement, negotiation and measure supplier performance management systems
    Advanced Systems for competition and government procurement
    Integrated skills in warehouse management and inventory control
    Total quality management in procurement, warehousing system and the mpa
    Advanced technologies in logistics, supply chain and risk management
    Logistics trends of advanced storage and handling of material
    Creative planning and forecasting of Purchasing and Supply Management Series
    Planning and management of purchases in light of the global competition
    Rules and procedures of the external purchase
    Professional performance support for employees in the procurement and supply stores activities
    Procurement management work
    Computer applications in the field of warehouse management and inventory control
    Modern techniques in resource management (stores - Purchases and logistics services)
    Administration and enforcement of the overall quality of purchases and warehouse systems
    The application of quality standards in the planning and organization of the work purchases
    Warehouse management and inventory control
    Effective management of electronic procurement and bidding procedure
    Development of professional procurement methods and raise organizational efficiency
    Logistics management
    Training on inventory and inventory control
    The real deal with customs procedures and government agencies
    Management and storage operations
    Effective management of purchases in accordance with the specifications of ISO 9001
    Cost warehouse, and determine the level of profiling Activity
    Organizational and strategic excellence in the management and operation of the smooth processing operations
    Logistics of oil, gas and petrochemical industry
    Excellence in procurement and bidding and selection of suppliers and negotiate purchases
    Management contracts and orders variability and contractual claims and arbitration thereon
    Scientific application of project management using Ms project
    Advanced standards for contracting procedures and implementation of tenders and auctions decades
    Procurement laws and regulations, internal and external
    The rationalization of expenditure in the areas of procurement and storage
    Development of Trustees stores and warehouses skills
    Quality Control and Assurance in stores and procurement
    Modern technologies in the inventory Almkhozny
    Analysis and inventory control methods
    Assessment and evaluation of suppliers
    Customer service organization to build customer-centric
    Modern global standards for the application of quality systems in stores (2000 iso)
    Procurement system - correspondence / negotiation / contract / arbitration / FIDIC rules
    Measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the flow and storage of materials
    Design and build procurement and inventory databases
    Negotiating contractual procurement
    Study bidding and estimating prices and effective decision-making
    Procurement Affairs Officer (effective management of procurement and continuous skills development)
    Technical and financial aspects of the bids
    Comprehensive inventory control
    Coding systems and methods of inventory items
    Recent trends in the management of procurement electronically E-Purchasing
    The resolution and the resolution of disputes in a purchasing contract
    Excellence in the strategic management of the supply and procurement
    Advanced management of warehouses and storage technology (strengthening of management skills and technical knowledge in measuring the performance of the stores and dealing with suppliers)
    Advanced trends in procurement systems and Aamnaqsat and management contracts
    Advanced technical trends in warehouse management and inventory control
    Advanced procurement strategies and warehouse and logistics management
    Advanced techniques in the management of procurement and how to negotiate and evaluate the performance of suppliers
    The latest management practices, global procurement, supply and demand inventory management
    Department stores and procurement in the context of logistic system
    Applied problems of the activities of procurement, storage and ways to address them

    يمكن لمركزنا ان يعقد الدورات فى اكثر من 100 دولة عربية واجنبية : السعودية (جده – الرياض – الدمام) ، دبى ، نيويورك ،
    جنيف ، عمان ، سنغافورة ، الدوحة ، تونس، ماليزيا ( كوالالمبور) ، المغرب (الدار البيضاء – الرباط ) ، تركيا (اسطنبول) ، لبنان ،
    مصر (الاسكندرية – القاهرة – شرم الشيخ) ، فيينا ، باريس ، واشنطن ، لندن ، قطر، الاردن ، سويسرا ، اليونان ، روما ،..... وغيرها

    ويسرنا أستقبال ترشيحاتكم لمنسوبيكم الكرام للتسجيل والأستفادة من دوراتنا التدريبية..

    لمعرفة كافة التفاصيل عن الدورات وكافة المجالات التى يقدمها المركز
    يشرفنا تواصلكم معنا:
    منسقة التدريب: أ/ هاجر مسعود
    رقم الهاتف (واتس اب & فايبر ): 00201270136638

    البريد الالكترونى:

    للتسجيل فى الدورات:اضغط هنا
    وتفضلو بقبول فائق الاحترام والتقدير..

    •   Alt 


  2. #2
    vip السبلة الصورة الرمزية صمت الشفاه
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    دنيا فانية
    1 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)
    نقل السوق الشامل وللإخوان حرية التصرف
    ادارة العامه
    ↓˓❁ يآ خآلق آلارضَ ...
    يآ مجريَ گوآگبهآ...
    عطنيَ من الآجر مآ تمحآ به ذنوبي
    فلا يترفع بالصمت ..
    إلا الأنقياء !

  3. #3
    إدارة السبلـة العُمانية
    خبير إداري بسبلة المناسبات الإجتماعية وإداري السبلة القانونية
    الصورة الرمزية الصديق المجنون
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2012
    79 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)
    كل التوفيق للجميع..

  4. #4

    نائب المديــر العـام للشؤون الإدارية

    الصورة الرمزية اطياف السراب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2013
    761 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)
    مقالات المدونة
    اتمنى التوفيق للجميع
    وقل للشامتين صبراً *** فإن نوائب الدنيا تدور !

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للسبلة العمانية 2020
  • أستضافة وتصميم الشروق للأستضافة ش.م.م