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الموضوع: اقوى برنامج ملاحة للاندرويد وخرائط ارشادات الطرق Android OsmAnd+ Maps

  1. #1

    اقوى برنامج ملاحة للاندرويد وخرائط ارشادات الطرق Android OsmAnd+ Maps

    Android OsmAnd+ Maps & Navigation Pro

    OsmAnd+ (OSM Automated Navigation Directions) is a map and navigation application with access to the free, worldwide, and high-quality OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. All map data can be stored on your devices memory card for offline use. Via your devices GPS, OsmAnd offers routing, with optical and voice guidance, for car, bike, and pedestrian. All the main functionalities work both online and offline (no internet needed).
    <br> OsmAnd+ is the paid application version. By buying it you support the project, fund the development of new features, and receive the latest updates.


    Requires Android
    <br> 2.1 and up
    SIZE: 20 MB

    حذفت الروابط من المراقب

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 22-02-2015 الساعة 11:44 PM سبب آخر: مخالف

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