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الموضوع: اسطوانة الحماية الشاملة للطوارئ و الإنقاذ Kaspersky Rescue Disk

  1. #1

    اسطوانة الحماية الشاملة للطوارئ و الإنقاذ Kaspersky Rescue Disk

    Kaspersky Rescue Disk Data 2015.02.15
    <br> Kaspersky Boot Rescue Disk - Kaspersky Labs newest development, which allows you to completely kill any viruses, including even the most dangerous, with which it is impossible to get to boot Windows. Extras: The program is an ISO-image of a multiboot disk. To work with him, you need to burn an ISO image to CD disc, then insert a disc in the CD-ROM, and boot from it. A unique feature of this tool is that it allows for booting from BIOS, even going into the system shell Windows. In fact, this almighty tool to combat viruses. Having him there, you can save a bad computer, and all the valuable information on it. Save the image to a CD using popular programs such as Nero, Alcohol, Clone CD, etc. Do not burn the disc at high speed, because you may have trouble reading. The optimum speed - 8h

    حذفت الروابط من المراقب

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 11-03-2015 الساعة 02:01 AM سبب آخر: مخالف

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