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الموضوع: برنامج تسجيل حركات الماوس والكيبورد واعادتها Axife Mouse Recorder 6.0.2

  1. #1

    برنامج تسجيل حركات الماوس والكيبورد واعادتها Axife Mouse Recorder 6.0.2

    Axife Mouse Recorder 6.0.2
    Axife Mouse Recorder is very easy to use, so that even a novice user can use it. Usually, you simply click Record, do your work, and click Stop when you are done. Then you click Play, and Axife Mouse Recorder repeats your actions as many times as you wish. It not only can records mouse and keyboard event, it also provides a large number of useful extensions to deal with complex work. Perfectly compatible with Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and 64-bit systems.
    <br> Features:
    <br>-Macro program and window automation software
    <br>-Record all mouse and keyboard events in any window application
    <br>-Unique smart recording technology
    <br>-Easy to use macro editor
    <br>-Schedule conveniently and flexible trigger
    <br>-Powerful color detection and windows & controls manager
    <br>-A large number of useful action set
    <br>-Does not require any programming knowledge

    <br>SIZE: 3 MB

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 30-10-2015 الساعة 01:18 AM

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