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الموضوع: برامج لتجربة التطبيقات الاندرويد على الكمبيوتر YouWave for Android Premium 5.1

  1. #1

    برامج لتجربة التطبيقات الاندرويد على الكمبيوتر YouWave for Android Premium 5.1

    YouWave for Android Premium 5.1
    Playing with the Android emulator on your computer is a pretty geeky endeavor, but YouWave makes it easy to accomplish on your Windows PC. If you can download and install a Windows program, you can have an Android virtual machine running on your desktop in just a few minutes. All without ever touching the SDK or Suns JDK. As a bonus, the Window it runs in has a really easy method of installing third party apps from free Android applications stores, as well as apps downloaded to your PC. YouWave for Android - Runs Android apps and app stores on your PC, no phone required - Download thousands of apps online via app stores within youwave - High performance - The fastest way to run Android on pc - Easy to use - Easy to install. Easy to import and run apps

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 03-11-2015 الساعة 03:19 AM

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