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الموضوع: برنامج لاضافة اجمل التأثيرات المضحكة على الويب كام WebcamMax

  1. #1

    برنامج لاضافة اجمل التأثيرات المضحكة على الويب كام WebcamMax

    <br> Stream videos, movies, flash, desktop screen, pictures to virtual webcam; add floating text, frame, transform, emotion effects over real webcam. For all webcam programs (MSN, ICQ, AIM, Skype, Camfrog, Paltalk, Yahoo Messenger and etc). Your chat mate will be attracted by your webcam. More than 1500 effects online. DIY webcam effects. Webcam video recorder. Webcam snap. Share webcam in 16 programs. Fast switch between virtual and real webcam.
    <br>Key features:
    <br> • For all webcam programs, such as ICQ, AIM, MSN, Camfrog, Skype, Paltalk, Yahoo Messenger...
    <br> • Virtual webcam or enhance real webcam.
    <br> • Videos and movies to webcam.
    <br> • Desktop screen to webcam.
    <br> • Pictures to webcam.
    <br> • Floating text over webcam.
    <br> • Frame effects over webcam.
    <br> • Transform effects over webcam.
    <br> • Emotion effects over webcam.
    <br> • Webcam effects update weekly online.
    <br> • Webcam video recorder.
    <br> • Webcam snap.
    <br> • Fast switch between virtual and real webcam.
    <br> • Share webcam in 16 programs.
    <br> • DIY webcam effects.

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    تم إزالة الرابط لمخالفة قوانين قسم السبلة العمانية التقنية
    Link has been removed because of violating copyright laws.
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 02-03-2016 الساعة 01:09 AM

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