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الموضوع: تطبيق تحرير الصور الرهيب احدث اصدار Photo Editor by Aviary Premium v4.4.0

  1. #1

    تطبيق تحرير الصور الرهيب احدث اصدار Photo Editor by Aviary Premium v4.4.0

    Photo Editor by Aviary Premium v4.4.0
    <br>Aviary has been utterly redesigned and optimized for Google’s Material Design! The editor has all new icons, in addition to paper-like layers with tangible surfaces. Also, sliders, loaders, and the colour choices within the draw and textual content equipment are pulled from the photograph you’re modifying. Overall, we expect this makes modifying your pictures a good more uncomplicated and extra delightful revel in. Let us recognize what you assume!
    <br> If you revel in the use of Aviary, please take a minute to go away a pleasant assessment. It in reality is helping!

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 25-11-2015 الساعة 12:50 AM

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