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الموضوع: حل واجب T306a بالدرجة الكاملة you can check by tour self 2019 حلول واجبات الجامعة ~ العربية المفتوحة T306a TMA AOU

  1. #1
    عضو متواصل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2018
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    حل واجب T306a بالدرجة الكاملة you can check by tour self 2019 حلول واجبات الجامعة ~ العربية المفتوحة T306a TMA AOU

    حل واجب t306a - 00966597837185 - t306a حلول واجبات t306a الجامعة t306a العربية t306a المفتوحة
    t306a 00966597837185 TMA حل واجبات t306a المهندس أحمد @ الجامعة العربية المفتوحة الكويت البحرين سلطنة عمان الأردن لبنان مصر kuwait jordan lebanon MBA ادارة اعمال حل اسايمنت حلول اسايمنتات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

    Faculty of Business Studies
    T306A TMA- 2018-2019

    Q1. Apply the Soft System Method to this Situation case, including system diagrams and conceptual mapping in order to brainstorm, analyse and make suitable recommendations. Provide a detailed narrative explaining your thinking process. (1500 words) (50 marks)

    Q2. Investigate further suitable approaches and tools that could be used to investigate, illustrate and make recommendation to solving problems. Please consult all your course materials and undertake relevant literature search. (400 words) (20 marks)

    Q3. What are the main insights or new understandings that you gained from the application of SSM to the case study? (400 words) (20 marks)

    Q4. Review the relevance and suitability of hard or soft approach in highlighting issues faced by it. (400 words) (10 marks)

    حل واجب b301a - 00966597837185 - b301a حلول واجبات b301a الجامعة b301a العربية b301a المفتوحة
    b301a 00966597837185 TMA حل واجبات b301a المهندس أحمد @ الجامعة العربية المفتوحة الكويت البحرين سلطنة عمان الأردن لبنان مصر kuwait jordan lebanon MBA ادارة اعمال حل اسايمنت حلول اسايمنتات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

    For success in any business undertaking, it is necessary to grasp and understand the industry’s general economic characteristics by analyzing the competitive dynamics of the industry. Strategy experts use Porter’s model/framework of ‘The five competitive forces that shape strategy’.
    You are required to refer to the case study ‘SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS: SUCCESS BY DESIGN’
    1. Assuming that you are strategy specialist, you are required to analyze and critically discuss how each of the five forces that shape industry competition impacted Samsung Electronics. (1000 words)-60 Marks

    2. Based on the B301A knowledge, suggest and discuss four strategies that Samsung Electronics could adopt to create sustainable competitive advantage in the global markets. (500 words)-40 marks

    حل واجب b301b - 00966597837185 - b301b حلول واجبات b301b الجامعة b301b العربية b301b المفتوحة
    b301b 00966597837185 TMA حل واجبات b301b المهندس أحمد @ الجامعة العربية المفتوحة الكويت البحرين سلطنة عمان الأردن لبنان مصر kuwait jordan lebanon MBA ادارة اعمال حل اسايمنت حلول اسايمنتات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

    B301 B: Making Sense of Strategy II
    FALL Semester 2018– 2019

    CUT OFF DATE: 30.NOV.2018

    The fundamental of competition has shifted significantly to the creation and assimilation of knowledge hence, role of the nation has grown.

    1. Assuming you are strategy and policy expert for your country, you are required to apply Diamond of National Advantage and critically discuss how your country can attract and retain Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). (1000 words) Marks-60

    2. As a policy and strategy advisor in your country, critically discuss four basic policies that government should adopt to enhance the capacity of its industries to innovate and upgrade. (500 words) Marks-40

    Please Note that this particular TMA is meant to respond to recommendations given by EE to encourage and develop greater critical analytical skills especially at level 6, by encouraging the students to read more widely; the greater use of comparative case studies; and encouraging part-time students to reflect on the application of the theories discussed to their own workplace.

    The TMA is based on the concepts from Readings for Block 3-Readings 12 &13

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  2. #2

    نائب المديــر العـام للشؤون الإدارية

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    وقل للشامتين صبراً *** فإن نوائب الدنيا تدور !

  3. #3
    عضو متواصل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2018
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    حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
    كتابة أبحاث جامعية حل واجب حلول واجبات عمل أبحاث إعداد بحوث تخرج الكويت البحرين سلطنة عمان الاردن لبنان الامارات واتساب 00966597837185

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