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الموضوع: برنامج تحويل و تحرير الملفات الصوتية LameXP 4.13 Build 1852 : تXXXX

  1. #1

    برنامج تحويل و تحرير الملفات الصوتية LameXP 4.13 Build 1852 : تXXXX

    LameXP 4.13 Build 1852 Final
    LameXP is a GUI for the LAME MP3-encoder. LAME gives you the best possible quality/compression, provides lots of function and works very fast.LAME gives you the best possible quality/compression, provides lots of function and works very fast. The original LAME mp3-encoder is aviable from the official homepage (, but its only aviable as a console-application. Such console-applications are very flexible, but most users prefer to work with GUI (graphical user interface) applications.
    <br> LameXP is a GUI for the LAME mp3-encoder, that makes it much more comfortable to use LAME. Using LameXP is very easy, because the user-interface has been desingned as simple as possible and it uses the new WindowsXP style.

    < r>
    <r>SIZE: 22 MB

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 20-12-2015 الساعة 12:04 AM

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