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الموضوع: المتصفح الأخف والأسرع Chromium v51.0.2688.0 تXXXxxx

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  1. #1

    المتصفح الأخف والأسرع Chromium v51.0.2688.0 تXXXxxx

    Chromium v51.0.2688.0
    <br >

    <br> Compatibility: this program stands out from other tools since it supports all Google Chrome extensions. The user is allowed to install any kind of plug-in to extend his browser features.
    <br> Confidentiality: what makes the program different from its counterpart Google Chrome is that it doesnt send the users personal information to Google. This process offers to the user an accrued security to his information.
    <br> Surfing: Chromium starts up straightforwardly. Since it supports tab surfing, the user is able to launch searches for information and watches videos or play games at the same time. It is worth to note that the interface is fully customizable thanks to many skins that are suggested.
    <br>System requirements
    <br> Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.
    <br> Required space disk: 34Mb

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 07-04-2016 الساعة 07:26 AM

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