• Welcome to the new CMS. Read me first.

    Welcome to the new CMS. Here's a quick guide of the different areas of this page.

    1. Section Navigation Widget. This widget allows you to go to different sections. The "plus icon" means that this section has sub-sections. Clicking on the "plus icon" will display the sub-sections.
    2. Category Navigation Widget. This widget will display all categories on CMS sections. The number next to the name displays the number of articles in that category.
    3. Admin-Defined Navbar Section Links. The admin is able to define which sections can display in the top navbar. Please look at the "Managing Sections Article."
    4. Articles. The content here is displayed in the "2x1" layout. "2x1" means 2 articles are displayed in the first row and all remaining content is displayed in a single column. In other sections you will see alternate content layouts like 1 column, 2 column, 3 column, 1x2 (first article spans 2 columns and all remaining articles displayed in 2 columns).
    5. Create New Article Button. If a user has permissions, the "Create New Article" button will display. For more information please look at the "Create New Article" article.
    6. Recent Article Comments Widget. This widget will display the latest article comments.
    7. Recent Blog Posts Widget. This widget displays the newest blog entries.
    8. Recent Forum Posts Widgets. This widget displays the most recent forum posts.

  • Recent Blog Posts


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  • Recent Forum Posts


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