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    Or maybe the judges were just trying to create an even playing field in anticipation of Team Shark freestyle. Because man, that rocked. Again, I was a little nervous about how their dance was going to pan out remember the last time Shawn and Mark wore sweatsuits? I'm still trying to get the image of Mark in short christian louboutin outlet uk shorts out of my head (shudder).
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    Since the walking surface is uneven, therefore, you have to put in more effort when you wear these shoes. Your muscles have to work harder and this helps in toning the muscles. Some of the manufacturers have gone to the extent of calling them as a mini gym..
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    (4) Cindy says:I haven waitressed in many a year, but I would get yourself quite comfortable in them first before I attempted it. I think once you are used to them they will feel great, but you have to be very very accustomed to the feel and balance of the shoe or you could turn your christian louboutin outlet ankle. I do know that there are people who do standing up jobs like nursing or retail who regularly wear them for work, but those people don have to move at high speeds going in multiple directions ...
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