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    Meanwhile, a secret, personal war was being waged parallel to the external one recorded by historians (history records only the grandiloquent, the visible, acts whose results are cathedrals and processions; that is why history composed for official consumption is so banal). The fact is that there was christian louboutin sale uk a struggle of enormous transcendency going on between Fernando and Isabel. A war of bodies and sexes that was the true foundation of the contemporary Western world, and its ...
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    Zachary Taylor's Army:The American forces on the border were commanded by General Zachary Taylor, a skilled officer who would ...
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    "Attributive Nouns. The apostrophe is omitted when a plural head noun ending in s functions as an adjective rather than as a possessor; in other words, when the relation between the plural head noun and the second noun could be expressed by the prepositions 'for' or 'by' rather than the possessive 'of': carpenters louboutin outlet union, New York Mets first baseman. If the plural form of the head noun does not end in s, however, the apostrophe is used: the people's republic, a children's hospital. ...
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    National Geographic's Four Corners Region Destination Map strikes the perfect balance between map and guidebook and is ideal for a wide range of travelers. The Four Corners Region is the only place in the United States where four states intersect at one point: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and christian louboutin outlet Utah. The map guide seeks to contribute to the economic health of communities in the Four Corners Region by promoting geotourism: tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical ...
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