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    September 3, 1988 JAMES F. Augusto Pinochet is grudgingly trying to trade his image as Chile's stern, combative dictator for that of citizen and democrat Pinochet, grandfatherly and conciliatory, reaching out to his foes to help build the future together. To his opponents in the Oct.
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    September 3, 1988 JAMES F. Augusto Pinochet is grudgingly trying to trade his image as Chile's stern, combative dictator for that of citizen and democrat Pinochet, grandfatherly and conciliatory, reaching out to his foes to help build the future together. To his opponents in the Oct.
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    Floyd continued north northeastward along the coast of the Mid Atlantic into New England, where the storm became extratropical on the 17th. The remnants of Floyd merged with a large non tropical low on September 19. While wind gusts of 120 mph and storm surges of 9 to 10 ft were reported from the North Carolina coast, Floyd mulberry bags outlet will be most remembered in the United States for its rainfall.
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    From 2003 to 2005 she undertook a number of consulting assignments in countries of Eastern Europe, Africa, and Latin America for DFID, UNDP, OECD, KfW and the World Bank concerning development aid policies and strategies. From 1999 to 2003 she was Senior Economist (Poverty Reduction) in the Strategy cheap mulberry bags and Policy Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), where she founded its Poverty Unit and worked on the design of country poverty reduction strategies, equitable policies/budgets, ...
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