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    The hour long meeting in the the bank's downtown Monroe headquarters drew scores of shareholders. Bank officials refused to allow a Blade reporter to attend, despite letting reporters into previous meetings. They said a proposal to allow issuance of up to 10 million new "preferred" shares was defeated as well.
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    Bob, Please don use morality or "Christian Values" in a political argument with conservatives. The moral relevancy is way too complicated for many to handle! Morality only belongs in church. Jesus said that greed was good and to heck with our brothers.
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    Please remember this is a PUBLIC board. Anything you post here (photos, comments, threads, public journals etc) is public. Anyone who wants to search can find it. Considering the fact that the $23.00 strike represents an approximate 3% premium to the current trading price of the stock (in other words it is out of the money timberland boots cheap by that percentage), there is also the possibility that the covered call contract would expire worthless, in which case the investor would keep both their ...
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